Partner Referral
We value the referrals that community organizations—such as local housing authorities, housing service providers, government offices, healthcare providers, and other nonprofits—make to Almost Home Inc. We truly believe in the impact of partnerships with other agencies to minimize gaps in services for the most vulnerable members of our community.
Our referral guidelines may change as the needs of our community evolve, so please check back to this page periodically for updates!
Housing Stability Program Referral Guidelines
Our Housing Stability Program provides emergency assistance in the form for rental, mortgage, and utility assistance. Each household served under the program engages in short-term case management services to address ongoing barriers to housing stability.
1. Referring agency must be actively working with the client to make a referral
2. Referral form has questions to screen for service eligibility
3. Given funding constraints and the time sensitive nature of a security deposit, we are no longer accepting referrals for deposit assistance
4. Referring staff member will be notified by Almost Home Intake Team once client has been scheduled with a case manager for an initial assistance appointment based off funding availability and most imminent risk of homelessness
Click here to make a referral for the Almost Home Housing Stability Emergency Assistance Program
Family Emergency Shelter Referral Guidelines
Our family shelter is located in Brighton, Colorado and can house seven families at a time. Each family has a private bedroom. The kitchen, bathroom, and common spaces are shared. Each family works with a case manager during their stay to set goals and make progress towards self-sufficiency and housing stability.
1. At this time, we are only able to prioritize family shelter referrals from other shelter providers, McKinney-Vento programs, and housing authorities
2. Referring agency must be actively working with the client to make a referral
3. Referral form has questions to screen for service eligibility
4. Client will be contacted for next available room at shelter and will have one business day to respond.
Click here to make a referral for the Almost Home Family Emergency Shelter
Respite Program Referral Guidelines
Our Respite Housing Program provides quick diversion services for situational homelessness which includes motel vouchers for a 2-week stay (flexible length for households fleeing domestic violence).
1. Referring agency must be actively working with the client to make a referral
2. Please complete the following form to refer a client to the Respite Housing Program. This form must be fully completed in order for a client to be assessed for the program.
Click here to make a referral for the Almost Home Respite Program
While we are working tirelessly to keep community members in their homes and with a roof over their heads, we hope that you also encourage individuals and families in urgent emergency situations to continue seeking additional resources by calling 2-1-1 or by coming into our Housing Navigation Center at 22 S. 4th Ave Suite 106 Brighton, CO 8060 during hours of operation.
For potential referrals that do not fit the service eligibility criteria for our family Emergency Shelter, Homeless Prevention Emergency Assistance or Respite Program, please email info@almosthomeonline.org